• The Romance of Wooden Boats

    The Romance of Wooden Boats0

    BY Keating Zelenke On the counters and tables inside the Frank M. Penney boat shop in Sayville, screwdrivers and rubber mallets marinate under a thin layer of sawdust in repurposed Chobani yogurt containers and old coffee tins. The smell of wooden spruce planks makes a cozy building feel cozier, and the iron wood-burning stove at

  • Privilege


    The recent college admissions scandal has put a spotlight on the power of privilege in higher education in this country. This semester, the advanced broadcast journalism class at Stony Brook University School of Journalism took a look at some issues involving educational privilege closer to home.

  • The Gift of Life

    The Gift of Life0

    Kevin Urgiles | Senior Capstone Project
    Kevin drove 150 miles to Albany to film a woman in desperate need of a kidney transplant from her hospital bed to demonstrate the severe organ transplant shortage in New York.